BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Using Find > More Criteria options

More Criteria options

The More Criteria tab options determine which property values the search results must match. The following table describes these options.

More Criteria options
Option Description

All of these criteria

Search results must match all of the listed criteria. Also known as an AND search.

Any of these criteria

Search results can match any of the listed criteria. Also known as an OR search.


Double-click an empty cell in the Property column or click Add to display a list of search properties and options from which to select. The list includes the names of properties designated as Key Find properties. To select other properties, enable List all properties. Click Remove to remove a criterion. Click Remove All to start over.

NEW  Routed properties (properties inherited from parent objects) are shown in the list as <FolderType>:<PropertyDefinition>.<PropertySet>.


Select an appropriate condition from the list. The conditions listed are those valid for the data type of the selected property.


Type a value to search for. Only values valid for the data type of the selected property are allowed.

Note    If a date type property is selected, the Value can be specified either by selecting a date from the calendar (default) or by entering an expression. To type an expression, right-click the current value, select Type date expression and type the expression. The expression can use the %CURRENTDATE% variable to calculate acceptable dates. For example, %CURRENTDATE% + 10 will include property values for the next ten days. The variable supports addition and subtraction operations.

NEW   If the selected property is associated with a lookup list, the Value text box becomes a list from which you can select a lookup list value so that you do not need to know the precise value to type.

List all properties

Enable this option to include all property names in the Property list.

Note Meridian versions prior to 2007a do not support partial word searches on document content or memo content (full text search). For example, searching for “ship” will only find “ship” and not “ships” or “shipyard.” Meridian versions 2007a and higher support partial word searches.

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About searches

Working with collections

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Viewing a collection

Saving searches as collections

Configuring a dynamic collection

Deleting a collection

Using Key Find

Using Quick Find

Using Find

Related information

Name Type options

Object types options

References options

Search Settings options

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